¿Cómo preparar café en AeroPress?

How to make coffee in AeroPress?

One of the most fun methods is the AeroPress. It was invented by Alan Adler, the same inventor of the famous 'Aerobie' frisbee, and consists of a polypropylene coffee maker that looks more like a large syringe than a coffee preparation method. This device uses air pressure to do the extraction.

Coffee prepared with AeroPress can be smooth, without bitterness and with low acidity. This coffee maker allows you to make one or two cups of coffee quickly.

Today, this filtering method is so popular that there is a worldwide coffee brewing competition with it, called the World AeroPress Championship.

How to prepare coffee in AeroPress?

There is no perfect recipe for brewing coffee in the AeroPress. In fact, one of the attractions of the AeroPress World Competition is that each competitor has their own brewing recipe.

First, you will need to disassemble your AeroPress and place the filter on top of the lid. Next, you will need to put the lid in place with the filter and pour hot water to purge it. This way you will be able to avoid the paper taste that said filter can leave behind.

Use coffee beans as much as possible, which you should grind finely. Put the ground coffee on top of the filter and the necessary water according to your recipe. At Café Cohete we use a ratio of 1:15, which means that for every gram of coffee we use 15 ml of water. Therefore, if you are going to use 180 ml of water, you should use 12 g of coffee.

After pouring the water, you should stir the drink so that all the particles are equally moistened. Then you can put the plunger in and wait about a minute.

When the minute is up, press the plunger to force the filtered coffee into your well. You can do this pressure until the AeroPress starts making a shhh sound. You can keep pressing until the end, but our recommendation is until the first sound to avoid having a bitter drink.

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